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Aus4Transport is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by DT Global

Facilitating National Transport Projects


Stream A

Aus4Transport is implemented through two streams of activities: Stream A and Stream B.

Stream A activities are focused on facilitating project development of by providing technical and financial support to the preparation and implementation of:

  • Pre-Feasibility Studies (PFS),
  • Feasibility Studies (FS) and
  • Detailed Design and Documentation (DDD).

Stream A activities constitute a key element of Aus4Transport’s support, as they aim to introduce improved project management processes that ensure high-quality outcomes and speedier construction-ready projects, paying special attention to the non-engineering components of major transport infrastructure projects, such as environmental and social impact assessments, resettlement plans, and gender equality, disability and social inclusion.

The Aus4Transport team provides assistance to expand the scope and detail of pre-construction activities for projects supported by Multi-lateral Development Banks (MBD), especially taking into account Australian and Vietnamese priorities and making best use of appropriate technical solutions. The Program also provides quality assurance reviews to raise project quality and lowering risks, and it finances the relevant preparatory activities, bringing projects to the market faster.

Ongoing Stream A Activities


Northern Mountains Provinces Transport Connectivity Project – Detailed Design and Documentation


Central Highlands Connectivity Improvement Project – Detailed Design and Documentation


Northern Mountains Provinces Transport Connectivity Project – Detailed Design and Documentation


Central Highlands Connectivity Improvement Project – Detailed Design and Documentation


Southern Waterways Logistic Corridor Project – Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Assessment Instruments Update


Southern Waterways Logistic Corridor Project – Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Assessment Instruments Update